Chris Jackson



As a civilian, it can be truly difficult

to understand what our nation’s veterans and first responders have in their DNA that compels them to run towards danger to help, that makes them want to give everything they can for the common good. I had the honor of having Chris Jackson, US Army veteran and law enforcement officer, on my Make Your Mark podcast, and to hear his story and how he’s looking to improve the lives of veterans and civilians every day.


Chris was one of thousands of young men and women who were compelled on 9/11/01 to join the military,

and soon after his 18th birthday, he enlisted in the Army. Eight years in the service, including a year in Iraq, cemented his continued interest in service. He tried his hand at trucking, but shifted back into service, this time for several years as a deputy in the Sheriff's office in Ohio. Now he is taking his life lessons, along with his experience with running businesses, and is working with veterans to get them the guidance that is so often lacking.


Chris and I cover so much ground in our episode, including the importance of being prepared

for the transition between military and civilian life. This episode may have been the most advice ever offered to our listeners, you should catch it in its entirety!

Happy listening!


Some Topics we talk about in this episode:

  • Introduction —

  • Competitive spirit from the start- 4:05

  • A spark to serve our country - 5:20

  • Training hard- 6:35

  • Sent overseas - 8:00

  • Into Iraq - 8:53

  • Challenging conditions- 10:30

  • Post service options- 13:06

  • Ready to get back into the game- 15:10

  • The start of trucking- 16:14

  • Wait a second- 19:45

  • Not fulfilling my need to give back- 21:30

  • Sheriff’s Deputy- 22:20

  • Keeping an eye on the bottom line- 24:42

  • Warrior Wealth sSolutions- 28:44

  • Masterclass Series- 30:53

  • Uniform 2 Suit- 33:40

  • Hit your Mark- 38:00

How to get involved

  • Be sure to connect with me on Social Media @MarkMoyerCoach and go to my website, to get access to the tips and strategies that my coaching clients get directly.

  • If you’re looking for ways to Make Your Mark, send me an email and I’ll get you going right away.

If you liked this episode, be sure to subscribe and leave me a quick review on iTunes. Your reviews and ratings will help me reach more people with ways to make their mark in life!


The UNIFORM 2 SUIT Live Masterclass!⬇️⬇️⬇️

More info:

VETERANS & ATHLETES, as elite performers learn how to leverage your skills into your career & business!

We're going to show you:

> How to look back at your military or athletic career and pick out all the skills and attributes that made you so strong on the field. > How to highlight them in a way that is desirable to hiring managers, key influencers and decision-makers.

> If you are starting a business, how to use those skills in a way that will naturally draw out new business for you, and keep the foot on the gas.

> Once you have identified these skills, learn how to answer "What Do You Do?" in a way that dramatically multiplies your network.

> How to increase and strengthen your network to include all those people directly involved with the careers and businesses YOU want to be involved with.

> And the often used "and much more..."!!! Go here to save your spot: