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There are thousands of retired professional athletes, many who struggle with the transition into their next careers.


A big part of my Make Your Mark podcast is to shine a spotlight on those who are making a positive impact after they leave their sport, and today’s guest, Cory Procter, is a superb example of that, as his story of becoming a truly inspirational speaker and financial manager will inspire you.





Cory has been a hard worker, a grinder, since he was a young boy, seeing the results pay off eventually into an NFL career.

But the big reward for Cory (and his audience) has been his message of making yourself accountable for your actions, that you truly control your outcome, and treating everyone with respect can earn you a spot on your team (sports, corporate, and anywhere else) that may have otherwise gone to someone else.


This was one of my most enjoyable podcasts, as we could have gone on for hours.

Cory is such a genuine guy, calls it like it is, and treats us, his audience, with the understanding that with just a few words, we can be inspired to greater things. We talk about being a Grizzly, earning the respect of Bill Parcells, and playing drums in metal band! Give this one a will fly by, as our conversation was just that, with plenty of advice for athletes and others spread throughout.


Happy listening!


Some Topics we talk about in this episode:

  • Intro- 2:04

  • Igniting Corey’s flame - 3:55

  • Montana is Calling- 8:00

  • Having an Impact- 12:30

  • NFL Career- 19:20

  • Not Many Choose to Step Away/ Injuries- 24:20

  • Preparing for the Future - 29:20

  • Critical Keys of Networking- 33:00

  • Speaking - 37:05

  • Organizations Have Similar Problems- 39:30

  • Financial Management - 45:00

  • What it Takes to Have a Will- 49:00

  • Hit your Mark- 52:00

  • How to get involved

    • Be sure to connect with me on Social Media @MarkMoyerCoach and go to my website, to get access to the tips and strategies that my coaching clients get directly.

    • If you’re looking for ways to Make Your Mark, send me an email and I’ll get you going right away.

    If you liked this episode, be sure to subscribe and leave me a quick review on iTunes. Your reviews and ratings will help me reach more people with ways to make their mark in life!