
First and foremost, it’s discovering your identity beyond athletics and your sport. Equally as important is to develop the structure needed to succeed again, the tips, strategies and actionable advice that will get you back on top. It’s having someone to hold you accountable again, someone to blow the whistle at you and get you focused on the results.

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As an athlete, you have developed a trust factor with coaches throughout your athletic career that began when you were a child. Although everyone can benefit from coaching, transition coaching truly works best if you are a competitor who is driven by success, and you want to be in an elite position once again! If you are struggling with your transition, not sure what steps you should be taking, and are lacking the structure you once had as an athlete, you should look at being coached once again, it’s what helped you become an elite athlete!


 A transition coach is a trained professional who specializes in helping you identify your identity beyond an athlete, making a plan that focuses on results, and subsequently following the path towards your personal and professional goals.  Typically, this is accomplished through a series of 1-on-1 or group sessions designed to help you achieve your greatest potential in life.  


We partner with athletes either seeking to transition from their sport into a career in a corporate setting, or work with those seeking a more entrepreneurial direction. In the coaching we do with our clients, we focus on helping them discover what drives them to succeed, reinstall the confidence that is needed to attain that level of success, and arm them with all the tools needed to get the results needed to win again! 


For over 25 years Mark has helped hundreds of professionals and athletes make successful transitions using his experience as an executive recruiter, fully understanding what it takes to get hired. For the past several years he has narrowed his focus into working with athletes and those in the sports industry make their next great step in their lives and careers, leveraging his years of experience with networking, executive coaching and recruiting, business development and career advisory expertise. His coaching team delivers the same methodology and approach, with the same desired results of success!


Although everyone’s needs, efforts and progress can be different, the goal line is the goal line! Meaning that we will work together to identify what you want to do next, where and with who you want to do that work with, develop a personal marketing pitch (PMP) that will help put you in front of the key influencers and decision makers. We will craft the right messaging, and have you ready for all interviews, pitches, and other critical meetings, and prepare you for the offer negotiation phase. We won’t be on the clock on an hourly basis, I’m way too impatient for that!


We don’t believe that working with you by the hour is the way to go initially. We prefer to immerse ourselves fully into your situation, and therefore we will start in more of a bootcamp style, with as many calls and other communications as it takes during the course of the first four weeks, as we get your momentum flying forward, and measurable progress attained! No couch surfing with us!


Coaching works best when you and I have a strong relationship, where we both push and pull to get you to your desired result. It’s critical that you find me knowledgeable, empathetic, but strong enough to be capable of getting you towards your goals, while letting me give you the occasional kick in the pants when necessary! We may have different backgrounds, athletic careers, and so on, but what you may need most is my fresh perspective, and I’m certain you’ll have a good sense of this within the first few minutes of our very first call!


You’re used to being in a locker room, and often being surrounded by others sharing your situation will bring you back that camaraderie. Group coaching can be very useful and effective. With that said, having your own personal coach be able to push you individually, to share your challenges with, and to have a more specific approach to your situation may be best for you! 


Let’s speak, and I’ll get a sense of your specific situation, map out a game plan, and walk you through the coaching process. And you’ve just cleared the toughest hurdle of getting the rest of your post-athletic career moving in a positive direction! Let’s do this!


Many of my clients initially went into coaching worrying about the same thing. But coaching is not as expensive as you may think it is once you factor the real-life value you will gain from it! In fact, most wonder what took them so long to get my coaching! The first thing to do is consider what you might be missing if you tried to do this all on your own. Think about what isn’t working now, and how your life would be transformed if those hurdles and challenges were replaced by fulfilling and rewarding things. Coaching is the speedboat that will get you to that tropical island faster than the life raft you may be drifting on, and I’d like to navigate you there!


OK, I started the speedboat analogy, so I better hit the throttle now and send you towards a few testimonials that will give you more insight into my style, process and results! Call me on 646-580-6739!


We're not overly theoretical here. We want to give you the knowledge that you can run with immediately, seeing results now, not having to wait months down the road.


Virtually every athlete, whether current or former, has spent most of their lives training and competing. The focus has been on improving every day, and not on a plan B.  The Win Again Academy has been designed to offer you virtually every topic of daily life, career, and business that you did not have the opportunity to develop an expertise in. We have brought in subject matter experts who also have been athletes to lay it all out for you in a way that you can fully run with the information once you have heard and seen it!


You tell us! Do you miss that locker room environment, the camaraderie, the laughs, and the friendships, along with the competition and thrill of victory? With the Win Again Clubroom, you can meet and connect with other athletes, share stories, advice, and ideas, and grow together. Even better, meet many of the experts we bring into the Win Again Academy!