
It’s one thing to make your mark on the field of play, but when you can transition into a venture that can help millions of people globally, now you’ve got my interest. Today’s guest, Gus Frerotte, happened to have a 15 year NFL career as a quarterback, and has a long list of accomplishments. But none may stand out as much as the company he is involved with now, and the work they are doing to make an impact within brain health.



Brain health? How on earth can we measure that? Just ask Gus, and he’ll show you how RC21X, and the “Roberto” app will transform how athletes and anyone else who is going through brain trauma or cognitive decline, or are simply curious to know how healthy their brain truly is, can simply spend just a few minutes on the app on your phone or laptop/ desktop, play a few games that measure a variety of data points, and after just a few days you now have a benchmark that you can use going forward, instrumental in showing any doctor where you stand.


In this episode you will be amazed at the level of excitement, interest and passion Gus has for this cause, as he has personally seen the after-effects of a contact sport on the brain, and he can’t wait to get this into the hands of his NFL brethren, and so many other athletes and non-athletes too. Gus and I discuss ways to get more of the word out, and yes, we do talk some football along the way.  You’ll enjoy this episode, give it a listen!


Some Topics we talk about in this episode:

  • Introduction - 2:28

  • What Peaked Gus’ interest to get into Football- 3:19

  • location change/ Getting out of the bubble- 6:22

  • Draft Day-8:55

  • Advice to players overcoming injury- 12:17

  • Changing Your Mindset-15:30

  • Retiring in the world of professional sports- 17:35

  • RC21X- 22:30

  • The Mission Behind Gus’ Company- 25:00

  • The tools behind RC21X - 29:12

  • The way of the future- 32:56

  • Getting RC21X into the medical field- 35:30

  • In the App store- 38:00

  • 4View- 41:40

  • Meet Your Mark- 47:45

How to get involved

  • Be sure to connect with me on Social Media @MarkMoyerCoach and go to my website, to get access to the tips and strategies that my coaching clients get directly.

  • If you’re looking for ways to Make Your Mark, send me an email and I’ll get you going right away.

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