Why do I need a Coach?

Naturally I am biased, as I do want you to give strong consideration to partnering with me for some straight-forward, actionable and highly effective coaching.  But let me share a few stats that back up why successful executives choose to engage a coach.

This first statistic really stands out….63% of all professionals currently working say that they are dissatisfied with their jobs.Many mid and senior level executives have recently reported suffering from a career plateau. Those considered to be “high potential” employees are dealing with these circumstances and are reevaluating how to transcend this career roadblock to finesse soft skills and areas of strength, while derailing behaviors that could compromise their future success within a company. To do this, companies and and individual professionals have begun aggressively investing in career coaching. In 2013, a Stanford University study confirmed the above. Asking over 200 CEOs about their views on coaching, 100% of those executives were receptive and open to the idea of working with a coach. More than half had already employed one.  But it doesn’t stop there.  Professionals at all levels and backgrounds are investing in their futures with coaching.Those looking for a change and a desire to have increased value within their company reported the advantages of using a career coach superseded their expectations because of the following:

1. They are objective: Career coaches care about what you want first and foremost. Their agenda is your agenda and they want to see you find the career path that suits you.

2. They are action-oriented: Career coaches will ask you the right question to put you in the right process for change. This is an invaluable bonus that sets the framework for your success.

3. They hold you accountableAccountability is key to making real life changes within a professional and personal setting. Having someone relying on you to follow up is worth more than gold.  

4. They are strategicA career coach is armed and ready for battle. They will show up and effectively create a plan for your vision’s success.

Hiring a career coach not only provides the above listed advantages, but gives individuals like you a chance to create real life change. Ambitious and self-aware professionals are honoring this resource more than ever when setting clear career goals and plans to match. In addition, many have reported that sometimes hiring a career coach is purely effective in reminding one how important they are and what kind of asset they provide to a firm.

See below for more stats and a graph highlighting the results.  Call today to hear how I can get you back on track and catapult you forward into the job that you truly want, reaching a level of success you had not previously thought was in your playbook.

Listed here are additional facts provided by a study conducted by the ICF (International Coaching Federation):

* 54% of coaching clients are Executives or Managers.  Others include Business Owners, Entrepreneurs, Team Leaders and Staff Members

* 55% of coaching clients pay for their own coaching, while 45% are sponsored by a third party

* Popular business topics include staff/team effectiveness (38%), interpersonal relationships (36%), and communication skills (32%)

* 50% of coaching in North America is done over the phone

* 47% of coaching engagements last between 4 and 6 months while 26% last closer to a year

I am confident that once you have invested just a few short hours of your time with me and my coaching methodology, you will start seeing a quantifiable increase in the results you are seeing with your job search and/or performance in the job you are in now.

Call 646-580-6739 or email me at mark@markmoyer.com for more details, or jump right in and sign up for one of my coaching programs, you’ll be thrilled you did!